Welcome to the recently updated for 2009 Official 5.25" Disk Sleeve Archive.
This archive was created by Peter Stone back in 1997 as an homage to the Floppy Disk Sleeve. Peter also hosts an internet music radio show called CyberDen at http://www.cyberden.com/. CyberDen was created almost 30 years ago when Peter coined the phrase for his ABBS System run on an Apple ][ computer and has undergone various changes throughout the years from one of the first major underground music hosting sites in the world to the home of one of the nation's largest computer gaming centers / nightclubs. In 2008 after almost a three year run, the gaming center was closed after Peter had to move back to California. CyberDen is now his music radio show site and then some - Check it out!
As for the Disk Sleeve Archives, you may be wondering "Why in the world would anyone want to create such a place?". Well, I'm still asking myself that question. Perhaps it was because, like the mountains, they were there. All of them. In my filing cabinet. Taking up space. Taunting me.
Since 1987 or so, the 5.25" floppy disk officially made its way into the backs of desk drawers, bottoms of bookcases, or boxes left in the garage, so they could make room for their smaller, hardback 3.5" brothers which ironically died an equally quick death thanks to the advent of the CD.
During their heyday, the 5.25" potential deadly throwing stars ruled our lives, stored our lives, were our lives. We praised the digital gods when the 5.25" replaced its 8" cousin and were even more amazed to learn that we could notch them ourselves so as to flip them over and use the back-sides on most personal home computers. (Even if this would void your warranty)
Yes, years have past since the 5.25" disk ruled the land and now they sit lost on various Thrift Store shelves and garbage dump piles, awaiting their fate... lost in the world, accelerated through time geometrically where as now their existence is nothing more then a faint off plastic smelling blur. (Sad isn't it)
So I, just an individual who grew up in the world of the 5.25" disk, have decided to share with the world, the lost legacy, the forgotten world, the misplaced memory of what once was. May the memories they invoke be good ones, unlike the one I have of paying $50 for a box of 10 BASF disks back in 1982.

A lot of new changes have been going on here at the archives. I've incorporated this new blog feature as well as making other changes and enhancements such as updating the comment system to list comments for each sleeve as well as the "last 8 recent additions" feature.
We've also hit over 1,000,000 visitors and without even trying! However, if you would like to link us on your main page, let us know and we'll return the favor in our "Friends Of" area on our main page.
Lastly, it is true that I am looking to sell the archives. It's been over 10 years now and while I plan to continue to keep updating the archives and making changes, if the right situation should present itself, I feel the archive could become an even bigger world sensation in the right hands. We're talking major corporations such as Microsoft, Google, etc., or perhaps a major retailer like TigerDirect, Amazon or ???. So if this is you, hit me up!
Peter Stone - sleeves@disksleeves.com
I've been an occasional visitor to the site for about ten years, and always enjoy visiting and indulging in my geeky nostalgia.
ReplyDeleteI even submitted a few scans of sleeves years ago. Unfortunately, I don't remember offhand which ones they are.
I don't own the copyright to the original designs of the sleeves that I scanned, and I'm pretty sure that shifting the format of a work (i.e. scanning it) doesn't vest any copyright in the person doing the format shifting, but just as a precaution, since you have added that obtrusive copyright text to all of the images here, would you mind taking them all offline until I can figure out exactly which ones I scanned in, so I don't get implicated in the misappropriation of copyright?
Thanks in advance.
It's a watermark (C) the website concept, not the image. I've had many people try and steal the idea/images.
ReplyDeleteI agree that perhaps the wording should be changed to clear that up.
Has the site closed? I can't find any sleeve images.